VLab at SRI is having an interesting panel discussion on Smart Buildings and Data-Driven Office Space on February 16, 2016

My friend Fred Stein at SRI alerted me to this upcoming event. I’m not able to make it, but I encourage others to attend. If you do go, please let me know what you learned!
Smart Buildings: Silicon Valley Delivers Data-Driven Office Space
Date - Tue Feb 16, 2016
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
6:00 pm: Registration, Networking Reception & Demos.
(Light food and refreshments will only be served until 6:30pm)
7:00 pm: Panel Discussion (Q&A)
SRI International
Silicon Valley is driving how corporations operate and manage their commercial real estate more effectively using automation to make buildings smarter. As companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and LinkedIn expand their campuses, and small companies continue to grow, their need to accommodate employees increases. Smart Building technology using the Internet of Things and data analytics is allowing these companies to design and operate intelligent work environments that allow occupants as well as property managers to work more efficiently and minimize operation costs.
Innovators in corporate real estate and building automation are working alongside Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurs vying for a position in a market that is expected to grow by $200B by 2020. How will the rise of these data-driven, intelligent buildings change the occupant experience? What data is being collected and put to use? What will change in building management? How many jobs will be affected?
Join us for an engaging panel discussion on February 16, 2016.
Jim Young, Co-Founder & CEO, Realcomm
Andrew Krioukov, Co-Founder & CEO, Building Robotics
Vladi Shunturov, Co-Founder & President, Lucid Design Group
Q Motiwala, Managing Director, Draper Nexus